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Mah Jongg Games


Mah Jongg 4 Friends

This is a helpful learning tool! It is free. It is also an app. It gives you suggestions for hands. The tiles are laid out in an easy-to-view way. Can be played offline.

Real Mah Jongg


This is an app and a website.  Helps you learn the hands. Dealing is done for you. You get a free month. It is my personal favorite. My username is MJTeacha. Look for me! The cost is $5.99/month. Does not suggest hands.



This is a website. It gives you practice taking turns and making hands. Discarded tiles are not shown. You get 4 free games.  This is not my favorite layout.

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American MahJong Practice


A great app for iPhone or iPad. It is especially good to use to assess which hand one should try to make with the tiles on their rack. Once you download it, you can even use it without a connection to the Internet! It is only free if you get the 2017 version.


Mahjong time

This website has games that you can play with others or alone to learn. It is fast moving but free!


This website has skill building activities such as practicing the Charleston. You can play with real people or with bots. It will suggest possible hands. There is a 2 week free trial period. After the trial it costs $6 per month. I find this website comprehensive but a bit slow.

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